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Tea with Robin

Mar 30, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, if there is one thing we could be learning in this Love Apocalypse time it is that you and I matter. We matter! Let's choose the vibes we are going to ride in this week powerfully, intentionally, wonderfully! Plus, some inspiration on creating a protection ritual -- something to empower...

Mar 23, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, keeping the perspective on miracles in times like these. This is the way we're going to get through. I'm talking about you being of service and shining your light, our inspiration will be getting into the good stuff, and we'll have a beautiful letter, something so important, which is

Mar 16, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, wowzers-what a week it's been. We're talking about this time and choosing to practice kindness, love and helping ourselves during these times by being of service as well. I'll share some ways to make these days brighter for you and offer perspective on ways you can serve and make...

Mar 9, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, on world events and the fear-based stories we hear. Remembering we get to choose, always. We can double down on practicing and taking responsibility for how the weather in our hearts is today (and every day). I'll share a favorite A Course in Miracles practice and discuss my own practice...

Mar 2, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, Do you ever struggle with making space for your own enjoyment? Taking time out for ourselves is not something to feel guilty about. It's so easy to stress ourselves out about things that are not things... the ego will keep you spinning forever about how you can't stop, shouldn't rest, you...