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Tea with Robin

Dec 31, 2018

This week, on Tea with Robin, the old icky story that will not die and how we can shift it and expand more fully into the light beings we truly are. I'll share some inspo and popcorn plus a letter from #abundanceseeker. All this and more. Grab a cuppa yum yum and meet me here. 
Send a letter to Robin:

Dec 24, 2018

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about my dad's favorite teaching - do what you love and love what you do - and how you can honor the philosophy. I share some stories about friends on the journey, a little creative inspo to keep the juices flowing and read a letter from a friend who says she has writer's block. All...

Dec 17, 2018

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about the times when we have anxiety or feel sad or lethargic and making the choice to help ourselves out of it because we want to feel good. I'll share about finding your own source of upliftment vs. following the popular advice someone else gives you. I'll share some inspiration...

Dec 10, 2018

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about what it means to choose to be fully alive in your heart and not apologize or shrink for anybody. 
I share ideas on how you can live inspired and continue to choose that as your intention and answer a question from a friend who says she wants to share her artwork on her website...

Dec 3, 2018

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about what it means to be intentional with your time and I share ideas about how you can deal with anxiety effectively. I tell some stories about my travels to Bali and read a letter from a friend who says #divorcesucks. All this and more. Grab a cuppa yum yum and meet me...