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Tea with Robin

Jan 27, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, reaction distraction. When we react (or overreact) to something or someone else and end up being distracted by the upset, sometimes for days. Here's how to change how we react to things. This week's inspiration offers tangible tips on how to handle situations differently, how to stop...

Jan 20, 2020

This week, on Tea with Robin, I'm talking about the journey of experiencing something bigger in your life -- whether it's living for a month in Italy, or launching your new big thing, or the experience of trauma or the death of a loved one -- and how we pivot back into the new normal of our lives afterward. This is...

Jan 13, 2020

This week's Tea with Robin is a special check in from our time in Assisi, Italy -- a magical place in the heart of Umbria celebrating St. Francis and more. I share insights on what a month away from home can bring to your journey and offer lots of sparkles and inspiration too. Come grab a cuppa yum yum and meet...