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Tea with Robin

Jun 28, 2021

On finding ways to support your journey through spiritual practice.

A spiritual practice is not for show. It's not a resume, CV, not an earthly credential. Your practice is here to support you in where you long to be. 

All this and more! Come grab a cuppa yum yum and meet me here:

Show Notes and complete transcript: 

Jun 21, 2021

Solstice Hello From Robin 

Jun 14, 2021

The stories we tell create our experience.
Everybody has hard parts.
Everybody has difficult edges.
The stuff they automatically avoid because it's hard.
Regardless of the unique backgrounds, we may have, what unites us is the wounding.
Am I the only one? Am I the weirdo here? Why does this always happen to me? How come...

Jun 7, 2021

Oh, the stinking thinking about our body, our aging, our wrinkles, how the world thinks we're over the hill, and we're no longer sexy, you're no longer viable. Let us please have a discussion and turn around on our attitude about aging, body, etc.
You are so beautiful to me, my friend, and you are always vital, juicy,...