Apr 20, 2020
This one's for us - the Light Sparklers, the strong ones. How are we getting through this time? How are we doing with honoring our needs and taking care of ourselves? We don't just exist to care for everyone else. Let's come together today and remember we're on our own journey and be here for ourselves. Our inspiration this week is a poem from John O'Donohue and we'll have a letter from a friend feeling challenged in her marriage and has requested inspiration and healing. All this and more! Come grab a cuppa yum yum and meet me here.
Show Notes: https://www.robinhallett.com/85
Send a letter to Robin: https://www.robinhallett.com/podcast-letter/
Work with me: https://robinhallett.com/healing
Love & inspo mail: https://www.robinhallett.com/subscribe
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robinhallett/