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Tea with Robin

Jan 28, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, those times when you realize you feel guilty for being who you are and the pain of ignoring this guidance. I talk about a kooky dream I had and the symbolism of it all. I share ideas on how you can inspire yourself with music, and read a letter from a friend who says her mother is sucking...

Jan 21, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about people who trigger us and the spirals of drama we get ourselves caught in. We'll do a few practical exercises to break out of the patterns and turn on your spidey-senses so you can extricate yourself sooner the next time. I share some inspo from Hafiz and read a letter from...

Jan 14, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about how to take the signs and symbols we see and make them meaningful for us. I share ideas on how you can use the information to get what you're wanting. I'll take us to the Cosmic Restaurant and order something yummy and read a letter from a friend who feels she's...

Jan 7, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about what it means to have integrity with your word. I share ideas on how you can create goals from a healed perspective and share some stories from the healing room. Plus, some inspo from the Four Agreements and a letter from a friend who is overwhelmed at the prospect of starting...