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Tea with Robin

Jun 24, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I will tell my story as I want it to be. On releasing our unintentional negative stories and choosing intentionally the ones we wish to tell. I read a favorite poem and read a letter from a friend who’s wondering if he’s got the right stuff. All this and more. Grab a cuppa yum yum and...

Jun 17, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about why it’s important to honor personal self-care needs and how that gives us the confidence to boldly go where we’ve never gone before. I share ideas on how you can create a self-care kit and read a letter from a friend who’s going through a difficult period in her...

Jun 10, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about what it means to receive support for yourself. How our ability to be helped has everything to do with the way we shine. We don't always have to be the strong one! 
I share ideas on how you can have a ritual with a friend to boost your confidence and self-esteem and read a...

Jun 3, 2019

This week, on Tea with Robin, I talk about what it means to be in the flow. What we give out returns to us. I share about the laws of Divine Compensation and how you can live in that flow yourself. This week's inspo comes from Tosha Silver and her book, Outrageous Openness and read a letter from a friend who wants to...